Finding emergency housing
Help to find housing if you're homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or need temporary crisis accommodation in an emergency.
Domestic and family violence: housing assistance
If you're experiencing violence at home, you may be eligible for housing assistance which can help to keep you safe
Aboriginal housing
The Aboriginal Housing Office supports accessible, culturally appropriate and affordable housing for the Aboriginal people of NSW.
Help with homelessness
We can help you if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Renting affordable community housing
Find information about affordable rental housing, who is eligible, how rent is set and how to apply
How to apply for housing assistance
Step-by-step guidance on eligibility and how to apply for help, whether you're looking for temporary accommodation, long-term housing or financial assistance.
Expected waiting times calculator
Use our interactive tool gives to get an idea of how long you may need to wait for a social housing property in specific areas across NSW.
MyHousing online services
Manage your application and access or update your information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Rights and responsibilities for public housing tenants
Learn what you need to do and what Homes NSW is responsible for when you're a tenant in public housing.
Maintenance and repairs
If you're a tenant of Homes NSW, you can request a repair online or by phone.
Community housing tenants
If you live in community housing, you're a tenant of the community housing provider. Learn about your rights and responsibilities, have your say in how community housing is run or find our about rent and repairs.
Paying rent and other charges in public housing
How rent is set, access to payment options for rent and water and an overview of other charges you may need to pay.
Contact your local housing office
Use our tool to find your nearest public housing office, and get contact details to talk to us in-person or on the phone.
Appealing a decision
Many decisions made by Homes NSW and community housing providers can be reviewed. If you think a decision is wrong, here are the steps you can take.
Disputes with your housing provider
Find out where to go for help if you can't resolve a dispute with your housing provider over things like unpaid rent, getting your bond back, or repairs and maintenance.
Make an enquiry or complaint about a community housing provider
If you’re concerned about whether a registered community housing provider is meeting its responsibilities under the National Regulatory Code, you can make an enquiry or complaint.
Easy Read resources
Simple and easy to read guides about social housing, including hor to apply and how to request changes to your home.

Get information on the National Regulatory System for Community Housing, and find out how to register.
NSW Local Scheme
Get information on the NSW Local Scheme for community housing providers and find out how to register.
Resource library
Access the Registrar of Community Housing’s resource library for reports, guidance and policies relevant to community housing providers.
Providing community housing
Regulation, guidelines, standards and accreditation, compliance, performance management and more.
Access the CHIMES portal
As a community housing provider, you can maintain your contact details, access forms, submit reports and complete performance action plans through CHIMES.
Affordable rental housing
Understand what affordable housing is, who can provide it and who can access it.
Specialist Homelessness Services Program (SHS)
This program is the primary NSW government response to homelessness and supports people who are experiencing, or are at risk of homelessness.
Landlords and agents in the private market
Homes NSW offers private rental assistance products to help eligible tenants start and maintain a tenancy. They offer greater security to agents and landlords and may help facilitate more new leases.